понедељак, 03. март 2025.
 Ћирилица | Latinica

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Тема: Светска економска криза и Србија (II)

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Едиција "Политички живот"

Ђорђе Вукадиновић: Од немила до недрага


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# Наслов чланка Аутор
201 President Medvedev's Visit to Kyiv: the First Set of Results Andrei Novatski
202 The “Eurozone Coup d’Etat” GEAB
203 The Euro’s Lost Promise David Marsh
204 The New Euro Skeptics - Germany Bill Jamieson
205 We will never recognize UDI Vuk Jeremić
206 Lula Shows How It’s Done! Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
207 Iran's Nuclear Coup The Wall Street Journal
208 Goodbye to Europe as a high-ranking power Richard Haass
209 Nord Stream, Putin's "Peace Pipelines" Robert Harneis
210 Engaging the Southern Democracies Nikolas Gvosdev
211 Europe, Nationalism and Shared Fate George Friedman
212 It’s Not About Greece Anymore Peter Boone and Simon Johnson
213 Debt Aid Package for Europe Took Nudge From Washington S.Erlanger, K.Bennhold and D.E. Sanger
214 Istanbul Declaration Abdulah Gul, Boris Tadić, Haris Silajdžić
215 From Isolation to Stabilization – The New Opening in Serbian Foreign Policy Lukasz Reszczyński
216 Huge National Debts Could Push Euro Zone into Bankruptcy Der Spiegel staff
217 Decision in Greece: Crisis in the European Union Hannes Hofbauer
218 The Euro Trap Paul Krugman
219 As Greek Drama Plays Out, Where Is Europe? Steven Erlanger
220 For Greece’s Economy, Geography Was Destiny Robert D. Kaplan
221 Democrats Use Goldman to Push Bank Overhaul Carl Hulse
222 Don’t Cry for Wall Street Paul Krugman
223 Obama to Wall St.: ‘Join Us, Instead of Fighting Us’ Peter Baker, David M. Herszenhorn
224 Unfreezing Kosovo: Reconsidering Boundaries in the Balkans Nikolas K. Gvosdev
225 Falling Out Ted Galen Carpenter
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