NSPM in English
Barbara Delcourt
субота, 26. април 2008. |
In fact, most of the EU states and the US have recognized Kosovo as a sovereign and independent state while, at the same time, they have referred to the implementation of the plan of Martti Ahtisaari which, in fact, neutralises the sovereignty and independence of the state. This plan was never accepted by the UN Security Council. |
NSPM in English
уторак, 22. април 2008. |
Slobodan Durmanović: Bosnia and Herzegovina between Brussels interventionism and Internal compromise Milorad Ekmečić: Historical and strategic foundations of Republic of Srpska
NSPM in English
понедељак, 21. април 2008. |
The allegedly non-government National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is currently charged of supporting at least three present day projects for dismantling the state sovereignty in Myanmar, China's Tibet and the continued devouring of Serbian state. |
NSPM in English
Nikolas Gvosdev
среда, 16. април 2008. |
It is important to remember that Reagan had no difficulty with America coexisting with nondemocratic or even noncapitalist nations—provided that such nations did not threaten the prosperity or stability of the United States and its allies.
NSPM in English
Scott Taylor
четвртак, 03. април 2008. |
Well, Russia maintains the strong position that only 34 countries have recognized Kosovo, and the rest have not. The general meeting of the UN is in September, and if NATO doesn't succeed now with its plans, there is a chance for Serbia that the talks will resume about the partitioning of Kosovo. |
NSPM in English
Thomas E. Graham
уторак, 01. април 2008. |
First, conclusion of the 123 Agreement [an agreement that clears the way for cooperation on civilian nuclear projects]. The agreement was initialed last summer, with final signature pending required reports from U.S. agencies on Russia 's nuclear policies. Not surprisingly, those reports have become caught up in the ongoing debate inside the administration over Russia 's nuclear cooperation with Iran. |
NSPM in English
Slobodan Antonić
понедељак, 24. март 2008. |
Those are the six “little” witnesses of NATO crimes, six “little” reasons why Serbia has to demand an explanation from NATO leaders. The explanation is simple. At the Tašmajdan park, there is a monument to children killed in the NATO bombing. (It is falling apart – of a statue of a girl with butterfly wings, only the wings remain.
NSPM in English
Nikolas Gvosdev
уторак, 18. март 2008. |
NATO's Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer is a man with a problem. The NATO mission in Afghanistan, which was supposed to demonstrate the alliance's ability to transcend its cold-war limitations and to highlight NATO's capabilities to both effectively fight a ground war and engage in post-conflict reconstruction, is faltering.
NSPM in English
Gordon N. Bardos
четвртак, 13. март 2008. |
Hillary Clinton's claim to be the most qualified Democrat to run for president is largely based on her self-proclaimed foreign-policy “experience.” Much of this experience would logically come from her days in the White House when events in the Balkans were the focus of so much U.S. attention.
NSPM in English
Peter Sain ley Berry
среда, 23. април 2008. |
The purpose, of course, is to help Mr Tadic's election campaign. For all that, this is blatant interference in the internal electoral affairs of an independent state. It is bribery, there is no other word for it, and it is reprehensible. Not for nothing was Mr Kostunica moved, reportedly, to describe this as 'an act against the state.' |
NSPM in English
Srdja Trifkovic
уторак, 22. април 2008. |
In theory the European Union is horrified at the prospect of the Radical Party of Serbia (Srpska radikalna stranka, SRS) becoming not only the strongest party in the country's parliament—which it already is—but also the majority partner in a new ruling coalition after the general election on May 11.
NSPM in English
Robert Skidelsky
понедељак, 21. април 2008. |
Not the least damaging consequence of the Bush doctrine is that it dispenses with the need for public proof of aggressive intent. The Iraq invasion was justified by the same use of fraudulent evidence as was displayed in Kosovo. On balance, I believe that I was right to oppose the Kosovo war. |
NSPM in English
Slobodan Samardžić
недеља, 13. април 2008. |
Violating Serbia 's territorial integrity and international law, the United States and some European countries extended recognition and demanded that the Serbian government and Serbs in Kosovo respect the "border" created through our territory.
NSPM in English
Ted Galen Carpenter
петак, 04. април 2008. |
The NATO summit in Bucharest produced a split decision on expanding the alliance. Opposition from Germany , France and other key long-time members thwarted the Bush administration's goal of offering a Membership Action Plan (the first stage of preparing a country for admission to NATO) to Georgia and Ukraine.
NSPM in English
Dimitrij Rupel and Bernard Kouschner
среда, 02. април 2008. |
We are revealing no secret by saying that Serbia was at the centre of attention at Brdo. As one of our colleagues said on Saturday, we all want for Serbia the same that Slovenia – once Serbia 's fellow republic in former Yugoslavia, now presiding the EU – had achieved.
NSPM in English
Djordje Vukadinovich
уторак, 25. март 2008. |
And so Serbia will have to hold elections once again. Including the constitution referendum, it is going to be, believe it or not, fifth “momentous” and “historic” vote in less than a year and a half. It's going to be the fifth successive vote in which Serbian voters will be called to vote for “better living” and “Kosovo's remaining in Serbia”.
NSPM in English
Robert M. Hayden
четвртак, 20. март 2008. |
More fundamentally, stability in the international system can only be restored when the United States once again honors the fundamental principles of international law that it violated by attacking Iraq in 2003, and in recognizing Kosovo in 2008.
NSPM in English
Aleksandar Mitić
четвртак, 13. март 2008. |
Kosovo's recent unilateral separation from Serbia set off a firestorm of reaction from Belgrade and its allies, notably Moscow. Serbia withdrew its ambassadors from countries that jumped to recognize Kosovo's independence, while angry protesters sacked and burned the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.
NSPM in English
Ian Bancroft:
уторак, 11. март 2008. |
A parliamentary resolution tabled by the Serb Radical party (SRS), the largest party in the Serbian parliament, and publicly supported by Prime Minister Kostunica, calling on the EU to "clearly and unequivocally" confirm Serbia's territorial integrity before further accession negotiations begin has further split an already dysfunctional governing coalition. |