NSPM in English
Doug Bandow
уторак, 05. август 2008. |
But united the EU is not. Members took different positions on the Iraq War, disagree violently over the desirability of including Turkey and cannot agree on recognizing Kosovo as an independent state.
NSPM in English
Nikolas Gvosdev
петак, 01. август 2008. |
For their part, the “Sons of Iraq” have been prepared to accept American payments to organize and to drive out from their provinces al-Qaeda elements and “foreign fighters.” Unlike the Baghdad government, these Sunni are quite leery of Tehran—and want to combat its influence in Iraq.
NSPM in English
Mick Hume
уторак, 29. јул 2008. |
That is why, after the capture of Karadzic this week, the new Nazi-hunters are cock-a-hoop, with Paddy Ashdown, former United Nations overlord of Bosnia, announcing that he was off to celebrate with his Bosnian friends. |
NSPM in English
Simon Jenkins
среда, 23. јул 2008. |
What the court really achieved in the case of Milosevic and the 44 other Serbs brought to trial must be moot. He died in captivity, but the process did much to stir fury among the Serbs that Croats and Kosovans - who could be no less cruel in their ethnic cleansing - had got off lightly at The Hague. |
NSPM in English
Srdja Trifkovic
недеља, 13. јул 2008. |
The most surprising feature of Serbia's post-election scene in the formation of the new governing coalition, based on an alliance between the "pro-Western, reformist" Democrats and the Socialists (Socijalisticka partija Srbije, SPS), the party of the late President Slobodan Milosevic.
NSPM in English
Faheem Hussain
понедељак, 09. јун 2008. |
What is NATO doing in Afghanistan? What are the true aims of NATO intervention in the region? These are the questions that I mean to address in this article. To understand what is happening in Afghanistan one has to go back to the attack on Yugoslavia by NATO forces in February 1999. |
NSPM in English
Frances Maria Peacock
субота, 31. мај 2008. |
The Ahtisaari Plan cannot be a permanent solution, as Kosovo's life in a state of limbo is unsustainable and must be brought to an end. It does not solve anything simply by changing the characteristics of the limbo. Kosovo needs a proper status that can become permanent, and allow it to prosper and lead a peaceful existence. |
NSPM in English
Ivor Roberts
среда, 21. мај 2008. |
"Serbia turns West" said the headlines. But a closer reading of the electoral arithmetic could equally well have supported a headline " Serbia looks East". In truth the reality is that Serbia is deeply divided as to which way to turn. |
NSPM in English
Bogdana Koljevic
среда, 14. мај 2008. |
Despite the very good placement of “For European Serbia“ coalition, it comes out of these elections only as a relative winner. In order to be able to form a government it needs the backup of the socialists, whose political program is actually much closer to other political parties, especially DSS.
NSPM in English
Tomislav Nikolić
петак, 09. мај 2008. |
The Radicals' economic policy is based on the free market and Serbia 's potential as the key economy of the Danubian and west Balkan region. Eight years after the end of the rule of Slobodan Milosevic, there has yet to be a push for the restoration of communist-expropriated property. |
NSPM in English
James Ker-Lindsay
субота, 02. август 2008. |
EU members must avoid being seen to strong-arm Serbia into backing down on this issue. Such moves will only reflect badly on the EU as a whole. For a start, and most obviously, by trying to stop Serbia from going to the ICJ it rather suggests that many states maintain real doubts over the legality of their decision to recognise Kosovo. |
NSPM in English
среда, 30. јул 2008. |
RICHARD HOLBROOKE: Well, let me give you an example. Karadzic cannot appear in public. He can't give radio or TV or press interviews. If he violates these things, if they start running around with large posters of him like Big Brother behind Mrs. Plasic.
NSPM in English
Risto Karajkov
среда, 23. јул 2008. |
The Balkans is safer than thought. This is the basic message from a recently published reportby the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. |
NSPM in English
Dragan Petrović
недеља, 13. јул 2008. |
Relationships between Russia and Ukraine are now in situation when it becomes necessary to redefining their bases. In the focus is agreement about stay of Russian Black Sea fleet at Krim, and “The Great Agreement” about cooperation between Russia and Ukraine.
NSPM in English
субота, 28. јун 2008. |
By our own free will we gathered here in Kosovska Mitrovica on St.Vidus Day, June 28, 2008 in order to establish the Assembly of the Community of Municipalities of the AP of Kosovo and Metohija... |
NSPM in English
петак, 06. јун 2008. |
The topics were current situation in Kosovo, the EULEX mission and reconfiguration of the UNMIK, the UN role, the constitution of Serbian local bodies in Kosovo and Belgrade's position on negotiations about final status of Kosovo.
NSPM in English
Ian Bancroft
субота, 31. мај 2008. |
It is clear that the Bonn powers are a now an untenable and obsolete way of reforming Bosnia and Herzegovina' s political dynamics. With the expected signing of an SAA on June 16 providing the platform for more extensive European engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the PIC should now move to close the OHR "in the shortest possible time". |
NSPM in English
Obrad Kesic
четвртак, 15. мај 2008. |
If you read western newspapers or listen to reports in the electronic media concerning the results of Sunday's elections in Serbia, then you may be forgiven for thinking that the outcome clarifies the political situation in that country and that the “pro-Western” and “pro-European Union” parties had won.
NSPM in English
Djordje Vukadinovic
уторак, 13. мај 2008. |
Theoretically, it might be possible for the Socialists to regenerate their party and acquire new and different voters in a new government with the Democrats, but it is still not a very likely scenario.
NSPM in English
Aleksandar Pavković
петак, 09. мај 2008. |
If you were to take politicians' election speeches literally – something one should never do, anywhere – you would think that Serbia is, once again, fighting for its independence and unity. Serbia's unity, they thunder, is threatened by the secession of its province of Kosovo. |