NSPM in English
Nikolas K. Gvosdev
среда, 27. мај 2009. |
Obama may end up having a personal connection with Medvedev, but that is not going to translate into policy change. What would be useful between now and July would be for his administration to begin to assess what Washington really wants from Russia—and what the United States is prepared to live with.
NSPM in English
Barry Eichengreen
среда, 29. април 2009. |
That social milieu encouraged financial decision makers to cherry-pick the theories that supported excessive risk taking. It discouraged whistle-blowing, not just by risk-management officers in large financial institutions, but also by the economists whose scholarship provided intellectual justification for the financial institutions’ decisions.
NSPM in English
Elena Guskova
субота, 18. април 2009. |
Ten years have passed since the NATO aggression against a sovereign European state. What did these years bring to those who threw bombs and those who were attacked? What goals did NATO pursue and whether it managed to cope with its tasks in the following years?
NSPM in English
Anna Filimonova
четвртак, 26. март 2009. |
A decade after the aggression NATO continues to strengthen its positions in the Balkans while the official Belgrade makes no efforts to protect the Serbian population locked in ghettos in Kosovo.
NSPM in English
Ian Bancroft
среда, 25. март 2009. |
In bypassing the United Nations, engaging in disingenuous negotiations that precluded diplomatic solutions and manipulating the public case for war, Nato's intervention over Kosovo in 1999 was an important precursor to the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
NSPM in English
Đorđe Vukadinović
уторак, 24. фебруар 2009. |
A nation unable to make a choice between territorial integrity and historic identity on the one side, and membership in an international association on the other, i.e. someone who cannot choose between these two “priorities” really deserves to lose both.
NSPM in English
Christian Brose
петак, 23. јануар 2009. |
The 2008 U.S. election was all about change. But that’s not what we’re going to get on foreign policy, says the longtime speechwriter for Condoleezza Rice. Instead of a radical departure from Bush, we’re likely to end up with a lot more of the same. And that may be just what we need.
NSPM in English
Vuk Jeremić
уторак, 20. јануар 2009. |
Now comes our time of testing. Moments such as this one come along rarely in history. They are either seized or lost, and the effects can reach across decades. The opportunity is here.
NSPM in English
David Binder
понедељак, 12. јануар 2009. |
Thus in the media what may have begun as a value-free attempt to characterize political leanings descended without any caveat to a form of vilification. “Nationalist” became denunciatory codeword.
NSPM in English
Jan Oberg
петак, 12. децембар 2008. |
The amateur Nobel Committee implicitly gave its Prize this year to the opposite of Nobel’s will and vision as well as the opposite of the UN Charter norm of peace by peaceful means.
NSPM in English
John Laughland
петак, 08. мај 2009. |
Germinal Civikov is a native of Bulgaria who lives in The Hague and Cologne. His book, "Srebrenica: Der Kronzeuge" is written in a limpid and often humorous style. Its findings are devastating. Civikov explains that the ICTY ruling that genocide was committed at Srebrenica is based on the testimony of a single witness.
NSPM in English
Anna Filimonova
уторак, 28. април 2009. |
According to a number of estimates the Albanian mafia controls about 75% of supplies of heroin to the West European drugs market and up to 50% of the total amount of heroin sold in the USA. Albanian drug cartel «Camilla» is among the world’s top five drug cartels.
NSPM in English
Edward Herman
субота, 11. април 2009. |
The successful demonization of the Serbs, making them largely responsible for the Yugoslav wars, and as unique and genocidal killers, was one of the great propaganda triumphs of our era. It was done so quickly, with such uniformity and uncritical zeal in the mainstream Western media.
NSPM in English
Philip Hammond
среда, 25. март 2009. |
Journalists and editors did more than simply cheer NATO’s bombing of Belgrade: they wrote the script for it. The claim that the US-led bombing was somehow a confirmation of European values chimed with the statements of NATO leaders.
NSPM in English
Justin Raimondo
среда, 25. март 2009. |
To begin with, the Yugoslav war, like the Iraq invasion, was predicated on a lie: that as many as 100,000 Kosovars and others were either killed or "ethnically cleansed" from Kosovo, and that this was the conscious plan of the Yugoslav military and political leadership. |
NSPM in English
Ian Bancroft
субота, 21. фебруар 2009. |
Serbia's diplomatic course throughout 2009 will focus on deterring future recognitions and encouraging submissions to the ICJ from countries supporting the motion that Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence was not in line with international law.
NSPM in English
Ružica Mrdaković-Cvetković
среда, 21. јануар 2009. |
The analysis of the economic growth of Serbia measured by the growth rates of gross domestic product and the analysis of the share of foreign investment in gross domestic product, national income and in total gross investments of the national economy.
NSPM in English
четвртак, 15. јануар 2009. |
Political events of the year: 1. Kosovo declares independence; 2. Serbian Radical Party (SRS) split; 3. New government elected, Vojislav Koštunica leaves power; 4. Boris Tadić wins presidential election; 5. Russians buy NIS (Petroleum Industry of Serbia)
NSPM in English
Dimitri K. Simes
петак, 12. децембар 2008. |
There have been more embarrassing selections for the Nobel Peace Prize than this year’s choice, former–Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, but not more illogical ones.
NSPM in English
Slobodan Antonic
четвртак, 04. децембар 2008. |
But, God forbid there really was fascism in Serbia. If the poor Serbia were defended only by those “sensitive” NGO-Leftist and antifa models, fascists would have sit on our necks long time ago. Fortunately, Serbia and its freedom does not depend on them.